Step into the future of sales and marketing with me and get my ultimate AI learning system as your secret weapon...



Introducing The AI For Internet Marketers
Crash Course Learning System...


Learning Tool #1: The AI For Internet Marketers Crash Course

This is the heart of this learning system and walks you through...

* Several options you have to use AI in you business, how to decide what ways you need to use AI in their business, etc.

* 30 different AI tools for online businesses owners and how to decide which ones fit your business.

* Advice on how to NOT waste time on tactics and tools that aren't relevant to your business.

* The exact steps to take to get started using AI in your business to do things better and faster.

And so so so much more!

In just 15 pages, I quickly take someone from knowing nothing to having a complete strategy to incorporate AI into their business to reap all the benefits AI brings!

Learning Tool #2: The Big AI Tool Resources Workbook

Without tools AI is simply just a concept. You need tools to put AI into action within your online business. But, with so many different AI tools out there you can find yourself spending all your time researching tools and never getting anything done. Or jumping from this tool to that tool and wasting even more time and sometimes money.

So, I created this workbook so that you can analyze your options and ONLY spend time with tools they actually need. This is a HUGE time and money saver!

Once you use this workbook, you'll know the exact AI tools you need and the ones you don't need to waste any time on!

Learning Tool #3: The AI “Punch List” Creator

I created this tool so that you can take all the information you learn in this learning system and create a "punch list" (to do list) of everything you want to use AI to do in your business and the tools you'll need to use those AI options.

Once you use this "punch list creator" you'll have one page that lists all your activities you want to accomplish with AI all in one place.

This is going to have you super focused and actually USING AI and all the benefits that comes with it!

Learning Tool #4: The Best AI Resources From Around The Web Guide

Continuing your education with AI is vital to staying in front of the curve and learning more ways to use AI in your online business.

I have put in 100's of hours of research and through that research have compiled my favorite learning resources covering many different topics all related to AI uses and tools and put them in this guide. This is all the “garbage information” filtered out. 

I’ve only included the gold here!

Learning Tool #5: How To Use This Learning System Guide

Because of the amount of new information people are consuming on the topic of AI, it can be very overwhelming. 

So, I have included this handy 1 page guide to give a short description of each tool in this learning system, what order they should be consumed in, and how to get the most out of this learning system.

This will have you prepared to actually use EVERY tool in this system to get the most benefits from it!


As you can see, The AI For Internet Marketers Crash Course Learning System has everything you need to start learning to use AI for the various profitable  tactics in your online business.

At this point though, you may be asking yourself...

This all sounds great, but who is the creator of this amazing system?

Let me answer that for you right now...

Hi! I'm Liz Tomey...

So, you may be wondering just who I am if you've never heard of me. I just want to take 20 seconds and introduce myself, so you know who the lady behind the scenes is...

I'm Liz Tomey and since 2004 I've been showing people how to create online businesses to fund a life they LOVE.

I've created dozens of online businesses in over 20 different niches for myself, and have helped 1000's of people create their own successful and profitable online businesses.

I've also shown online business owners how to get traffic in various ways and several different techniques for online selling. If there's a way to get traffic or sell something online, I've probably taught it at some point over the past 17 years.

I do all my teaching via live online workshops (they're always recorded for those who can't make it live, and I'm available for questions for those who can't make it live too) where you can WATCH everything I do, and then replicate it for yourself. 

This is hands down the best way for me to help people. Simply SHOW them what I'm doing, so they can do it for themselves.

These online workshops aren't just based on theory. These workshops are based on what I have tested and found to work.

And... These online workshops aren't just me talking in front of a Power Point presentation either! This is you WATCHING me on my laptop DO everything I'm teaching. You get to watch me from your computer (or phone) right over my shoulder just like you were there sitting next to me.

I don't leave any steps out, and it's why 1000's of people have come to me to learn!

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Crash Course Learning System!

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Testimonials gives prospects confidence of a positive experience. Testimonials show that others have taken action and it has proved successful for them.

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