Are You Ready to Dominate Your Niche And Grow Your Online Business By Using AI For Unparalleled And Profitable Research Tactics?

This simple to use and quick to absorb learning system is going to give you all the tactics you need to use the power of AI (artificial intelligence) to super charge all the various research tactics you need to use to build and grow your online business!

Hi there! I’m Liz Tomey and I have a couple of quick question for you… This will just take a second, and depending on your answers I might have the solution you’ve been looking for…

#1 Are you tired of wrestling with the complexities of artificial intelligence in the different online business research activities you NEED to be using?

#2 Are you feeling like you're lost in a labyrinth of algorithms and data?

If you answered “YES!” to both of those questions, you're not alone, and I’m about to help you out in a BIG and PROFITABLE way…

The world is abuzz with the potential of AI, yet most online business owners are still scratching their heads, uncertain of how to harness its true power for the different research purposes we have as online business owners.

Missed opportunities, inefficient processes, and the dread of falling behind the competition are all too real… until now!

Welcome To The AI For Research For Internet Marketers Learning System…

I've designed this game-changing learning system to demolish the barriers standing between you and next-level PROFITABLE online business research tactics. Imagine transforming your research processes, gaining unparalleled insights, and acquiring a decisive edge over your competitors, all through the power of AI.

This learning system is your roadmap to mastering the AI-driven future of profitable online business research. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity and results!

Let me show you exactly what’s in this learning system…

Here’s Exactly What’s Inside…

A huge problem many people are currently having is they have no idea how to use AI for the various "things" in their online business. If you’re still reading you’re probably one of those people. Knowing this, and knowing the information YOU need, I zeroed in and created this entire learning system all about how to use AI for various research purposes. Things like keyword research, niche research, product creation research, content creation research, and more!

Let me show you each of the components of this learning system…

Learning Tool #1: AI Tactics Volume 1: Using AI For Research In Your Online Business Workshop

This is the heart ️of this learning system and walks an online business owner through several options they for using AI in their business for PROFITABLE research tactics.

In this 52 minute workshop I show you how to use AI for keyword research, niche research, product creation research, content creation research, how things work research, and research for inspiration.

I give you several examples for each of these tactics so you can take off and start doing the same things to get the profitable information you NEED!

You'll be blown away with all the different ways you can use AI to PROFITABLY do research for various things in your online business!

Learning Tool #2: AI For Research For Online Business Owners: The Prompts

Prompts are the KEY to using various AI tools, so to help you get started I have put together this cheatsheet for all the different research tactics that are taught in the workshop.

Simply copy and paste these into AI to use all the research tactics you learned in the workshop.

You'll find 24 different prompts that you can start using immediately and information on how to find many more!

Learning Tool #3: AI For Research For Online Business Owners: The Workbook

There's A LOT of information in the workshop, so I put together this handy workbook for you to note down ideas, tools, etc. that you come across during the workshop.

In this 5 page workbook you'll have a section for each type of research that is taught to note anything down you want and can even revisit it later to note down MORE things that you learn about each research tactic.

You'll find this an invaluable resource as you learn all of these amazing and profitable research tactics.

Learning Tool #4: AI For Research For Online Business Owners: The Tools

There are so many different AI tools out there, but in this resource, I'm going to break it down to just TWO tools you absolutely NEED and two tools that you can add into the mix. AND... all of them are free!

As you can see, the The AI For Research For Internet Marketers Learning System has everything you need to start learning to use AI for the various profitable research tactics in your online business. 

At this point though, you may be asking yourself...

This all sounds great, but who is the creator of this amazing system?

Let me answer that for you right now...

Hi! I'm Liz Tomey...

So, you may be wondering just who I am if you've never heard of me. I just want to take 20 seconds and introduce myself, so you know who the lady behind the scenes is...

I'm Liz Tomey and since 2004 I've been showing people how to create online businesses to fund a life they LOVE.

I've created dozens of online businesses in over 20 different niches for myself, and have helped 1000's of people create their own successful and profitable online businesses.

I've also shown online business owners how to get traffic in various ways and several different techniques for online selling. If there's a way to get traffic or sell something online, I've probably taught it at some point over the past 17 years.

I do all my teaching via live online workshops (they're always recorded for those who can't make it live, and I'm available for questions for those who can't make it live too) where you can WATCH everything I do, and then replicate it for yourself. 

This is hands down the best way for me to help people. Simply SHOW them what I'm doing, so they can do it for themselves.

These online workshops aren't just based on theory. These workshops are based on what I have tested and found to work.

And... These online workshops aren't just me talking in front of a Power Point presentation either! This is you WATCHING me on my laptop DO everything I'm teaching. You get to watch me from your computer (or phone) right over my shoulder just like you were there sitting next to me.

I don't leave any steps out, and it's why 1000's of people have come to me to learn!

Join the others who love The AI For Research For Internet Marketers Learning System!

Here's what current students say about this learning system...

Liz delivers again with her latest release. It shows you several ways to use AI for research for your business, including specific tools and prompts she uses. She shows you step by step on video exactly how to do everything. She has a gift for explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand way. I really appreciate that she only teaches methods she uses herself. 

No theory, no guessing, just steps to follow that actually work. She also includes PDF supplements to help implement the training.

Chris Lockwood -

I just completed 'The AI For Research For Internet Marketers Learning System,' course and I was blown away. Liz packed in so much information based on her own business experiences, offering unprecedented insights into the integration of AI into her marketing strategies.

I was totally impressed with her exploration of the vast number of AI tools available and their specific applications. The course taught me which AI tools to employ for various stages of product creation. This cleared a lot of the confusion that I had about my available options.

Her course drives the point home about how important thorough product research is in order to create quality content. She addresses many critical questions that guide effective decision-making in this regard. Now I feel equipped to create a whole new army of products and content based on my interests and research. Thanks Liz.

The additional tools she provides also simplify the process for me, especially the prompts and workbook. 'The AI For Research For Internet Marketers Learning System' is definitely a valuable resource for marketers, whether newbie or seasoned, who are considering integrating AI into their strategies. It will definitely offer you a solid foundation for understanding and effectively utilizing AI tools in your product research and creation.

I definitely give this course 5 stars and a thumbs up!

Helene Palmer -

I have followed and known Liz Tomey for a long time. The reason I have followed her is because of the quality of the products she creates. 

Once again, she has amazed me with another product that delivers so much information that even someone new to AI and also to Internet Marketing can use to quickly begin to start creating their own products that will be successful. The video training alone is worth the price of this package. You also get a workbook to write your own notes in to start focusing your thoughts to applying this information to your own business. This package is a no-brainer. 

You owe it to yourself to get this and take action on what you learn to build your own successful business.

David Shoup -

Are You Ready To Harness The Powerful Profits Of AI?

As you can see, I’ve left nothing out. I’m handling over all of my AI tactics for PROFITABLE research tactics you NEED to be using as an online business owner. And right now you can get this entire learning system for just $17!

Simply click on the order button below to get instant access to The AI For Research For Internet Marketers Learning System! Once your payment is processed, you’ll be sent an email with the download link, be able to start downloading everything immediately, and be on your way to using all of these super profitable research tactics with free AI tools!