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Here's Exactly How To Unlock The Secrets Of AI For Affiliate Marketers And FINALLY Build The Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business Of Your Dreams!

Are you battling to make money in affiliate marketing? Dreaming of launching a successful affiliate business? Eager to master and profit from cutting-edge AI strategies? Then this 6-day bootcamp is your golden ticket! Dive in as I reveal my exclusive behind-the-scenes secrets, strategies, and tactics that are driving my success in the affiliate marketing world and steal them for your own use!

I have been using Liz's training resources for about six months now. Her teaching style is exceptional and I have gained many insights into the IM industry that no one else is teaching. In fact, her training resources are so good that I deleted everything off my hard drive because Liz's training is all I need. I get excited every time Liz puts out a new course. Thanks very much Liz.

Phil Beattie

Hey there! I'm Liz Tomey (I'll tell you more about me and why you NEED me in your life in just a minute) and welcome to the one and only invite page for "The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp"!

In this strategy-packed, 6-day bootcamp, I'm not just going to guide you; I'm going to revolutionize the way you approach affiliate marketing. We're talking about brand new strategies, the kind that will blow your mind and fatten your wallet, but with a twist so massive it's going to shake your entire understanding of the affiliate marketing game – it's all powered by AI, baby!

We're diving deep into the essentials of affiliate marketing and turbocharging everything with the raw power of AI (Artificial Intelligence). With this new power we can now be faster, smarter, more profitable!

Picture this: every single step, every tactic, unveiled right in front of your eyes right from the comfort of your computer (or mobile device). It's like you're right here with me, soaking it all in, ready to replicate it in your own style. You’re not just learning though; you’re witnessing affiliate marketing mastery in action.

My promise to you? By the end of this bootcamp, you’re not just walking away with theories. You’re leaving with a bulletproof, ridiculously easy to implement plan that will skyrocket your profits as an affiliate marketer. And you get to do it your way, with the insane advantage of AI.

So, let’s get down to business! 

Here's a sneak peek of our next 6 days together...

Here's Exactly What I'll Be Teaching You In The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp...

Day 1: Crushing It With Affiliate Marketing And AI

Kickstart Your Affiliate Marketing Empire Today!

Alright, listen up! Day 1 of our bootcamp isn't just some basic intro... it's the gateway to your dominance in the affiliate marketing game. I'm here to throw down the playbook on the diverse world of affiliate marketing and how AI isn't just changing the game – it's rewriting the rules!

You're not here to play small, right? I'm going to arm you with not just one, but a whole arsenal of business models that are making serious bank in affiliate marketing. And here's the kicker – each one is juiced up with AI. We're talking about strategies that are going to put you light-years ahead of the competition.

This isn't about following the crowd. I'm going to show you how to create a business model that screams "you". We're talking hyper-personalized, AI-driven, no-BS strategies that align with what you're about and where you want to go. This is about building your empire, your way.

When you wrap up Day 1 with me, you're not just walking away with a handful of ideas. You're leaving with a mindset and a toolkit that's going to revolutionize how you make money as an affiliate marketer. Faster, smarter, and way more profitable and using AI in every way you can!

Day 2: Mastering Research in Affiliate Marketing with AI

Research Isn't Just Necessary; It's Your Superpower

Alright, so Day 2 is where we dive deep into the core of affiliate marketing - research. But I'm not talking about just scratching the surface. We're going deep - niche research, keyword research, audience research, affiliate product research - you name it. Research is the backbone of your success, and I'm here to show you how to make it your superpower.

You think research is tedious? Think again. I'm going to show you how to flip the script and make research your secret weapon. With AI, it's not about drowning in data; it's about surfing the waves of information. We're talking quick, effective, and razor-sharp insights that cut through the noise and get you the gold.

Forget about the endless hours of digging through data. AI is about to become your research ninja, doing the heavy lifting so you can focus on making moves. By the end of today, you're not just walking away with research tactics; you're walking away with an AI-powered arsenal that does the hard work for you.

This isn't just about gathering information; it's about gathering intelligence that puts you miles ahead of the competition. By the end of today, you'll be equipped with AI-driven strategies that transform research from a chore into a strategic affiliate marketing powerhouse.

This is your chance to turn the tables and make research your unfair advantage in the affiliate marketing game. Get ready to harness the power of AI and become a research rockstar. 

Day 3: Dominating Content Creation in Affiliate Marketing with AI

Content is King, and You're About to Claim the Throne

Are you ready? Day 3 is where we conquer the beast that is content creation. We're not just talking about cranking out a few blog posts. We're diving into the whole shebang – product reviews, buying guides, information packed videos that pop, newsletters that sell, infographics, bonus products, case studies, podcasts, comparison charts... you get the picture. It's a content jungle out there, and you're about to become the king (or queen).

Tired of the content grind? I get it. That's why I'm going to show you how to flip the script and make content creation not just easy, but ridiculously effective. How? With AI, of course! This isn't about working harder; it's about working smarter. AI is your secret weapon to create top-notch, engaging content that resonates and converts.

Think of AI as your creative sidekick, turbocharging your content creation process. By the end of today, you're not just walking away with a bag of tricks for content creation; you're walking away with an AI-driven content creation powerhouse. We're talking next-level stuff that puts you light-years ahead of the competition.

Get ready to unleash a torrent of content that captures attention, drives traffic, and skyrockets conversions. Today is about mastering the art of content creation with AI at your side, making sure every piece of content you put out there works as hard as you do.

This is your moment to step up and own the content game. No more playing small. With AI, you're about to make some serious waves in the affiliate marketing world. Get ready to create content that's not just good, but legendary. 

Day 4: Powered Up Sales Tactics With AI For Affiliate Marketers

Sales Is Your Battlefield, and You're About to Win the War

Alright, warriors of the affiliate marketing world, buckle up! Day 4 is where we dive into the art of selling – the lifeblood of your business. This isn't about just pushing products; it's about mastering the art of the sell. Let's face it, it's tough to create "things" that actually move the needle, right? Not anymore!

Today, we're going to unpack sales strategies that aren't just good – they're revolutionary. Content marketing, email marketing, calls to action that actually work, ad creation that grabs attention – we're covering it all. And the best part? We're injecting AI into every single strategy to ensure you're not just reaching your audience; you're compelling them to click, engage, and buy.

Imagine having a toolkit so powerful, every piece of content you create, every email you send, and every ad you run is like a magnet, drawing in clicks and converting them into customers. That's what today is all about. I'm talking about sales tactics that are so effective, your affiliate links won't just be clicked; they'll be sought after.

By the end of today, you're not just walking away with a few tips and tricks; you're walking away with a sales arsenal. Dozens upon dozens of tactics, all supercharged with AI, ready to be deployed in your affiliate marketing business. We're talking about strategies that will not just increase your clicks but explode your conversions.

This is your chance to rise above the noise, to not just play the game but to own it. With these AI-powered sales tactics, you're not just an affiliate marketer; you're a sales powerhouse. 

Day 5: Traffic Pumping Tactics For Affiliate Marketers Powered By AI

Traffic is the Lifeblood of Your Business, Time to Pump It Up!

Day 5 is where we tackle the beast that everyone in the online world is after – traffic. But we're not just talking about any traffic; we're talking about a flood of targeted, high-quality traffic that turns your affiliate marketing business into a powerhouse.

I'm going to lay down traffic tactics that will blow your mind. But here’s the kicker – we're infusing every single one of them with AI. This isn't about throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks; it's about using smart, AI-driven strategies that ensure your traffic isn't just big; it's Godzilla-big.

Imagine having the power to attract traffic like a magnet... That's what today is all about. I’m handing you the playbook to not just increase your traffic but to dominate it. You’re going to learn how to supercharge every tactic with AI, making your approach not just efficient, but unstoppable.

By the end of today, you’re not just walking away with a few neat tricks; you’re walking away as a Traffic Titan. You'll have all the tactics you need to pull in traffic like you’ve got a gravitational pull. We're talking high-octane, AI-enhanced strategies that will turn your affiliate marketing business into a traffic-attracting machine.

This is your moment to turn your affiliate marketing business into a traffic magnet. Get ready to deploy tactics that not only attract visitors but turn them into loyal followers and customers for your affiliate empire.

Day 6: Putting Your New AI Super Powers Into Play

Okay, so, we've been at this for almost a week, and your brains are now loaded with the most kickbutt, AI-powered affiliate marketing tactics out there. Today's the day we bring it all home – it's time to craft your master plan!

We're going to take a power-packed trip down memory lane, revisiting the goldmine of strategies from this past week. But here’s the twist – we're tailoring it, making it laser-focused on YOU and your business. By the end of today, you're not just walking away with a bunch of notes; you're leaving with a battle-tested checklist, a personalized game plan to deploy these tactics in the real world.

This isn't just about knowledge; it's about action. It's about taking these next-level strategies and putting them into play, turning learning into earning. We're talking about a complete transformation of how you do affiliate marketing, supercharged with AI.

And you know I'm not just going to leave you with a plan and a pat on the back. I'm here to light a fire under you, to get you pumped and ready to hit the ground running. Today, it's all about motivation – the kind that gets you moving, keeps you going, and drives you to crush those goals.

It's time to step up, take action, and make those dreams a reality. You've got the power, now let's see you unleash it. Let's get it!

Here's the deal... You don't need to know how to do ANYTHING or have any special skills to be able to use ANY of these affiliate marketing strategies. I'm showing you how to do it ALL inside this bootcamp PLUS I'm right here to help you!

I've kept everything very simple, so you can actually put this all into action without having to have a ton of techy abilities and expenses or even know how.

Bottom line is this is the information you need right now to become the power and profitable affiliate marketer you've always wanted to be!

AND with so many strategies you have more than enough options to find something YOU actually WANT to do!

Ok, so at this point you might be thinking...

"Wow! This is the EXACT information I need, but who is the person behind this bootcamp and can she actually help me to succeed with this?"

Let me answer that question for you VERY quickly...

Hey! It's Your Fearless Leader...

So you may be wondering just who I am if you've never heard of me. I just want to take 20 seconds and introduce myself, so you know who the lady behind the scenes is...

I'm Liz Tomey and since 2004 I've been showing people how to create online businesses to fund a life they LOVE.

I've created dozens of online businesses in over 20 different niches for myself, and I have helped 100's of people create their own successful and profitable online businesses.

I've also shown online business owners how to get traffic in various ways and several different techniques for online selling. If there's a way to get traffic or sell something online, I've probably taught it at some point over the past 18 years.

I've also been named "The Queen Of PLR" because of the amount of PLR (private label rights) content that I have created for online business owners and all my teachings on using PLR in both marketing AND profiting with it!

I do all my teaching via live online workshops and bootcamps (they're always recorded for those who can't make it live, and I'm available for questions for those who can't make it live too) where you can WATCH everything I do, and then replicate it for yourself.

This is hands down the best way for me to help people! Simply SHOW them what I'm doing, so they can do it for themselves.

These online workshops and bootcamps aren't just based on theory either. These workshops and bootcamps are based on what I have tested and found to actually work.

And... These online workshops and bootcamps aren't just me talking in front of a Power Point presentation either! This is you WATCHING me on my laptop DO everything I'm teaching. You get to watch me from your computer (or cellphone) right over my shoulder just like you were there sitting next to me.

I don't leave any steps out, and it's why 1000's of people have come to me to learn!

Here's what just a few of my actual students have said about my teaching...

“Liz Tomey has been a great catalyst in starting my passive income career through creating and selling PLR digital products.

Her workshops and live sessions are fun to attend and always contain actionable golden nuggets and no fluff!

So if you want to learn and get started on your passive income journey, then LIZ is your Superhero!”

Kunal Barthakur


“Liz Tomey is one of the best teachers I know when it comes to learning how to start an online business in a step by step manner. I was a student a few years ago and even though I felt I was pretty knowledgeable at the time I was able to learn more and more importantly I learned the “whys” of doing things. It’s one ting to know how to do something but better to know why.

She is organized, knowledgeable, funny, sincere, honest, and was well worth my financial investment and time. Even to this day I refer back to the lessons and webinars she provided in the class. In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with Liz Tomey as your mentor.”

Rick Mann

“I recently had a coaching session with Liz and I was blown away by how quickly and easily she “got me.” Her knowledge and experience in online marketing and coaching were evident as she immediately connected with where I am in my business and the next level of growth I’ve set as a goal. In just one session she helped me gain clarity and identify the direction I need to take to get to where I want to go.”

Yvonne A Jones

“Liz is one of the best coaches I know. When she teaches, she makes sure you understand what she’s talking about and will continue to explain it until you do. She backs up her patience and friendly style with an amazing knowledge of marketing and selling products. If you’re looking for someone to help you with your business, Liz Tomey is the one.”

Mike Martin

Ok, at this point, you know why you NEED this bootcamp and my personal help so you can achieve this...

It's YOUR TURN to start making BIG money as an affiliate marketer and do it ALL much easier and BETTER with the power of AI!

You know me now...

You see why so many people come to learn from me...

But I'm not done giving... Here's what else you're going to get as an attendee of The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp...

Let's Just Talk About All The EXTRA Hands On HELP You're Going To Get And The Heart Of This Bootcamp...

Not only are you going to get access to all five days of The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp, but you'll also get access to the AI Mastermind Group where you can get quick help on anything you need, network with other attendees, even use the group to build your list, sell your products, etc. (on certain days), and have a load of fun!

I created the AI Mastermind Group as an add on here because I don't ever want you to feel like you're alone or that you can't get help. As online entrepreneurs sometimes we feel like we're alone. Sometimes we get stuck on something and because we don't have any help, we quit. With the AI Mastermind Group you'll never have these problems again!

There's always some kind of discussion going on in there, I'm in there to help you along with a lot of other super smart cookies, and we even have days where you can promote your money makers, and even "group promotions" where we're helping each other promote our money makers.

The AI Mastermind Group alone is worth 100X the insane price I'm charging to get access to the whole bootcamp, so make sure you USE this.

You'll see that this group will be invaluable to your success!

Plus You'll Also Get Unlimited Updates At No Cost!

Look, I don't just do these bootcamps and then I'm done... I'm constantly creating new tutorials, checklists, adding in techniques and tactics as things change, and so much more.

You'll get any and all updates that come with this bootcamp at no extra charge!

These are a long term full on strategies that I teach and I'm with you for the long term to ensure you completely understand, and can continually USE and make them work better for you on going. When new material is added (extra videos, tutorials, resource documents, etc.) you'll be notified via email and will have access to everything.

As I said there is no additional charge for ANY updates EVER!

Here's A Recap Of Exactly What You're
Going To Get Today...

Access To The LIVE 6 Day Bootcamp

You’ll get full access to all 5 days of The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp and all resources, guides, workbooks, etc. that may be given out each day.

You’ll also get access to the recordings to watch whenever you want, and as often as you want!

Personal Access To Liz

Have questions during the bootcamp? You’ll be able to ask me live as the bootcamp is going. Have questions viewing the recordings of the bootcamp? You’ll be able to email or you can ask me via our closed door mastermind group.

You will have complete access to me to help you with anything you need help with in implementing what I’m teaching you.

Unlimited Updates

As I stated above… The bootcamp is just the start of my teaching. I’m continually updating with extra resources to help you with what I’m teaching and to help you to continue using it with new techniques and updates! You’ll never pay for ANY updates or additions to this bootcamp!

Mastermind Group Access

Our mastermind group is amazing and currently we have over 500 members who have attended my previous workshops and bootcamps and are attending this one.

Someone is always around to help, give feedback, or just some encouragement to keep you going. This is a great environment to learn in and make new friends with people just like you!

Attend This Bootcamp And Get All Of My AI + Affiliate Marketing Money Making Strategies Handed To YOU With ME Personally Teaching Them All To YOU!

Listen up! This is it – The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp. It’s not just a game-changer; it’s your golden key to mastering the most profitable, easy, and fast affiliate marketing strategies out there.

And guess what?

We’re supercharging everything with AI to make your profits soar like never before.

This isn't about theories or maybes. I’m talking about real, proven methods that make real money. Forget about "what ifs" – we're dealing in cold, hard facts and strategies that deliver results.

You’re going to see every single step, every strategy, live and in action. I’m laying it all out – no secrets, no holding back.

All you’ve got to do is hit that purchase button below that you want. You can either come and learn and profit from what you learn or grab the Reseller PLR to the entire bootcamp and add yet even MORE ways to profit by walking away with a reseller PLR license.

Choose your option and unlock the door to The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp. This is your chance to revolutionize how you do affiliate marketing!

Once you're in, you’ll get an email with all the deets – how to attend the bootcamp, dive into our mastermind group, and everything else you need to hit the ground running.

And here’s the real deal – you get direct access to me. Not my team, not some random help desk, but me, Liz Tomey. You've got questions? I've got answers. We’re in this together, and I’m not backing off until you’re raking in those profits.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose your purchase option below (Attendee OR Attendee With The Reseller PLR Option) and let’s kickstart this journey on Day 1 of The AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp...

Hurry! Discount Pricing Expires Soon...

1 Attendee Ticket! 

This option gives you full access to the entire LIVE AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp, the recordings, all updates, access to the AI Mastermind Group, any future bonuses that get added, AND access to me (Liz Tomey) to help you with anything you need!

1 Attendee Ticket PLUS Full Private Label Rights!

Only 100 38 Licenses Left

This option gives you full access to the entire LIVE AI Powered Affiliate Profits Bootcamp, the recordings, all updates, access to the AI Mastermind Group, any future bonuses that get added, AND access to me (Liz Tomey) to help you with anything you need!

This option also gives you FULL RESELLER PLR to the entire bootcamp, and EVERYTHING that comes with it including a sales letter to sell it as your own bootcamp!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Happens After I Purchase?

You'll instantly be sent an email with all the bootcamp details. Where all of your downloads of the replays are, how to access the mastermind group, and how to get access to me. All details will be sent to you in ONE email, so you have all your access information in ONE place.

How Long Will I Have Access?

Every single day of the bootcamp has been recorded. You will have access to the recordings and ALL teaching aids for EACH day. You will have access for at the very least one year. The recordings aren’t going anywhere, and I will be there to answer any questions you may have for as long as you have them. You will have direct access to me along with the mastermind group.

What Are The Private Label Right Terms?

My private label right terms are pretty easy. The only thing you CAN NOT do is use my name in any of your marketing, OR give away the PLR for free. You can sell this as your own product, use it for bonuses, membership content, resell the PLR, etc.

I Have More Questions... How Can I Contact You?

Feel free to ask me any questions you have about what I'm covering in this bootcamp by contacting me at