Something I’ve preached since the beginning of teaching what I’m doing with AI in my online business I have been adamant about not focusing on too many AI tools. I don’t even look at 10% of the tools that are coming out right now because I have what I need. You have to block out the noise to actually get anything done. If you’re out here chasing tools, you’ll never get anything done.
Currently my “AI stack” is…
ChatGPT, Bard, MidJourney, Ideogram.AI
Side Note: You can read about these tools by clicking here.
Buuuut… Today I actually stopped and looked at Bing Chat and Bing Create.
Nothing really mind blowing about Bing Chat, but Bing Create was pretty amazing and now that it’s using DALL-E3 it’s pumping out incredible images!
Then I noticed a little button…
When I clicked on that, it lead me to Microsoft Designer which is going to allow me to create all kinds of social media posts SUPER QUICK!
It does so much more, but THIS was the first thing that grabbed my attention!
So, I’m definitely going to add these two AI tools (from Microsoft) to my “AI toolbox”! Now to head over to YouTube and watch video tutorials until my eyeballs can’t take anymore. 😂
As I use this tool, I’ll post more updates and tutorials on what I’m creating within my online businesses with them!
Are you using these tools yet? If so what are you using them for? Tell me in the comments below…
Talk soon!

Liz Tomey is a crazy redhead with an entrepreneurial spirit that shines out in everything she does. Her teachings have helped many create online businesses that fund the extraordinary lives they love. Since 2004 Liz has created and successfully ran many different online businesses in several different niches and shares her passion for online business in hopes to change the lives of those who are searching for a life they truly want to live!