Free VS Paid ChatGPT Account

I always get asked…

“Liz, should I use the free or paid version of ChatGPT?

Well… I have paid for a ChatGPT account almost since the day I started using it.


The short answer: Well I’m a professional and I want the best of the best tools and a paid account with ChatGPT gives me that.

The extended answer: If you’ve been using the free version of ChatGPT and wondering what all the fuss is about with the paid version, let me break it down for you…

1. You Get the VIP Treatment:

Priority Access: When everyone’s trying to get on ChatGPT, paid users get to skip the line. No more waiting around!

More Chats, More Fun: You can ask way more questions without hitting any annoying limits.

2. Cool New Features:

Latest and Greatest Models: Paid users get to play with the newest, smartest versions of ChatGPT. Think of it as getting the newest gadget before everyone else.

Customize to Your Heart’s Content: Some paid plans let you tweak things to fit your needs perfectly. How cool is that?

3. Faster and Better:

Speedy Responses: No more twiddling your thumbs – get answers faster and keep your productivity on track.

Handle More at Once: You can process more requests simultaneously, which is a huge win for busy bees and businesses.

4. Extra Help When You Need It:

Dedicated Support: Paid users get access to customer support that’s ready to help out with any issues or questions.

Tons of Resources: Get your hands on detailed guides, tutorials, and best practices to really make the most of ChatGPT.

5. Perfect for Business:

Commercial Use: With a paid plan, you’re all set to use ChatGPT for your business legally and ethically. Integrate it into your products and services without a hitch.

6. Peace of Mind with Privacy:

Better Data Security: Paid plans come with enhanced data privacy measures. Your sensitive info stays safe and sound.

7. Remember More, Do More:

Extended Memory: Paid versions can remember more within a conversation, so the responses are more on point and relevant.

8. Seamless Integration:

API Access: If you’re tech-savvy, you’ll love the API access that lets you integrate ChatGPT into your apps and workflows seamlessly.

So, while the free version is great for getting started, the paid version offers a whole bunch of perks that make it a fantastic investment, especially if you’re using it for professional or business purposes.

Ready to take your ChatGPT experience to the next level? Give the paid version a try and see the difference for yourself!


AI Tools For Content Creation

Content is king, queen, and the entire royal court in the digital dominion. And if you’re still churning out that content the old-school way, well, that’s like using a flip phone to snap pics for your Insta. It’s time to update and get with the AI program!


Because your online empire depends on it!

Great content is like the avocado in your guacamole… It makes everything better. But let’s face it, who’s got the time to whip up these zesty concoctions of content daily? That’s where AI rolls in like your kitchen savvy robot, ready to slice, dice, and spice up your content creation game.

AI tools are the cool sous-chefs that never tire. They’ll help you bake up blog posts, toast trends for tasty content bits, and even garnish your graphics. They’re here to ensure your brand’s voice isn’t just another yawn in the echo chamber of the internet.

So, get ready to meet your new digital helpers (AI tools) that’ll make creating killer content super easy. Let’s turn that content kitchen from “meh” to “Michelin star” with a dash of AI magic!

But first… Do you have AI tools that you use for research in your online business? Leave your recommendations in the comments below…

Hot Tip: I have an entire workshop on how to use AI to create sales in your online business in many different ways. Click here to grab that workshop!

Let’s dive into the tools!

1. Google’s Bard – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc.

2. ChatGPT – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc. Even though ChatGPT is similar to Bard I still use it because sometimes it gives me more of what I need.

3. Pictory AI – This is the BEST AI video creation software I have found, and I absolutely love it. This ONE software does more and BETTER than any other ONE software out there and actually does what it would take 5 other software products to do individually. Totally worth the money!

More tools coming soon…

AI Tools For Social Content Creation

Creating content for ALL the different social networks we’re on is super time consuming and A LOT of work for us online business owners. 🥵️

However, now with AI tools and some amazing prompts, you can quickly and easily create tons of content for all of the social networks that you want to use. Not only that, but you can also use AI to learn how to use social networks and use many different strategies to get traffic from the several social networks available to you.

In this post, I’m going to show you the tools I’m using in my online business that allows me to use AI to create sales in many different ways!

But first… Do you have AI tools that you use for creating social media content in your online business? Leave your recommendations in the comments below…

Hot Tip: I have an entire workshop on using AI in various ways to create social media content and how to use social media to get traffic! Click here to grab that workshop!

Ok… Here are the tools…

1. Google’s Bard – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc.

2. ChatGPT – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc. Even though ChatGPT is similar to Bard I still use it because sometimes it gives me more of what I need.

3. Bing Create – Use Bing Create powered by DALL-E3 to create amazing images EASILY!

4. MidJourney – This is a AI graphics generator, but I use it to get inspiration for any graphic needs that I may have. Things like images for social media posts, blog posts, covers for digital products, images for inside of your digital products, and more.

5. Microsoft Designer– I use this along with Bing Create to take my images I create in Bing Create and turn them into promotional images I can use in my online business. It’s a beast and can do way more than that!

6. Pictory AI – This is the BEST AI video creation software I have found, and I absolutely love it. This ONE software does more and BETTER than any other ONE software out there and actually does what it would take 5 other software products to do individually. Totally worth the money!

More tools coming soon…

AI Tools For Sales Creation For Internet Marketers

By now we all know that AI is super powerful!

I’ve talked about how to use AI for research in your online business, how to create digital products with AI that you can use to sell and make money and how grow your email list, and a ton more!

But… In my opinion, AI REALLY shines for us Internet marketers and online business owners when we use it to create sales in our online business!

I use AI to create the components of my sales letters (this is how I create full on sales letters), emails, scripts for sales videos, videos, affiliate promos, and a ton of other stuff!

AI does a lot of cool stuff, but THIS, guys… If you have an online business, being able to create words/images/videos that get people to take action on what you’re putting in front of them…


That’s when the money-comes in…

I’ve always been “ok” at doing this, but with AI I have really up’ed my game with this kind of stuff and my email open rates are up, conversions on sales letters and squeeze pages are up, clicks are up, etc. etc. etc…

Know what that means?

Profits-are up!!!!!!

In this post, I’m going to show you the tools I’m using in my online business that allows me to use AI to create sales in many different ways!

But first… Do you have AI tools that you use for research in your online business? Leave your recommendations in the comments below…

Hot Tip: I have an entire workshop on how to use AI to create sales in your online business in many different ways. Click here to grab that workshop!

Let’s dive into the tools!

1. Google’s Bard – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc.

2. ChatGPT – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc. Even though ChatGPT is similar to Bard, I still use it because sometimes it gives me more of what I need.

3. Pictory AI – This is the BEST AI video creation software I have found, and I absolutely love it. This ONE software does more and BETTER than any other ONE software out there and actually does what it would take 5 other software products to do individually. Totally worth the money!

4. AdCreative AI – If you’re using paid advertising this is a great AI tool to help you with creating and analyzing your ads!

More tools coming soon…

Adding In A Few New AI Tools

Something I’ve preached since the beginning of teaching what I’m doing with AI in my online business I have been adamant about not focusing on too many AI tools. I don’t even look at 10% of the tools that are coming out right now because I have what I need. You have to block out the noise to actually get anything done. If you’re out here chasing tools, you’ll never get anything done.

Currently my “AI stack” is…

ChatGPT, Bard, MidJourney, Ideogram.AI

Side Note: You can read about these tools by clicking here.

Buuuut… Today I actually stopped and looked at Bing Chat and Bing Create.

Nothing really mind blowing about Bing Chat, but Bing Create was pretty amazing and now that it’s using DALL-E3 it’s pumping out incredible images!

Then I noticed a little button…

When I clicked on that, it lead me to Microsoft Designer which is going to allow me to create all kinds of social media posts SUPER QUICK!

It does so much more, but THIS was the first thing that grabbed my attention!

So, I’m definitely going to add these two AI tools (from Microsoft) to my “AI toolbox”! Now to head over to YouTube and watch video tutorials until my eyeballs can’t take anymore. 😂

As I use this tool, I’ll post more updates and tutorials on what I’m creating within my online businesses with them!

Are you using these tools yet? If so what are you using them for? Tell me in the comments below…

Talk soon!


AI Tools For Product Creation For Internet Marketers

You know, the online world is buzzing with tons of digital products… from eBooks, printables, and online courses to cool apps and videos. But, have you ever thought about the secret ingredient behind creating these awesome products? Yep, you guessed it – Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short.

For us internet marketers, coming up with a fresh and unique digital product can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. But with AI, it’s like having a magic wand! In this post, we’re going to uncover some fantastic AI tools that can turn your ideas into digital gold. Ready to see how AI can be your new best friend in product creation?

Let’s dive in!

Do you have AI tools that you use for research in your online business? Leave your recommendations in the comments below…

Hot Tip: I have an entire workshop on creating several different digital products for various purposes using AI if you need some ideas! Click here to grab that workshop!

1. Google’s Bard – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc.

2. ChatGPT – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc. Even though ChatGPT is similar to Bard I still use it because sometimes it gives me more of what I need.

More tools coming soon…

AI Tools For Research For Internet Marketers

As Internet marketers and online business owners, there are all kinds of different things that we research. I feel like 35% or more of my time is spent in research mode. Now with AI though we can research deeper, better, and faster! I’m creating this post so that you have a resource to return to over and over again when you want to do all the different research activities for your online business. Below you’ll find the current AI tools I use for the different types of research I do in my business.

Do you have AI tools that you use for research in your online business? Leave your recommendations in the comments below…

Hot Tip: I have an entire workshop on doing research in various ways using AI if you need some ideas! Click here to grab that workshop!

1. Google’s Bard – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc.

2. ChatGPT – Keyword research, niche research, content and product development research, etc. Even though ChatGPT is similar to Bard I still use it because sometimes it gives me more of what I need.

3. MidJourney – This is a AI graphics generator, but I use it to get inspiration for any graphic needs that I may have. Things like images for social media posts, blog posts, covers for digital products, images for inside of your digital products, and more.

4. Ideogram.AI – Same as above. 😉

More tools coming soon…


My Conversation With Bard About Bard Vs. ChatGPT

ChatGPT and Bard were the first two AI tools that I began using. They made sense for me in what I wanted to use AI for in my online business. Initially that was solely for market research, content research, blog post creation for my niche sites, product outlines, sales copy, and stuff like that. It’s how I “dipped my toe in the water” with AI.

People always ask me which one I prefer and I always say both… Sometimes I use Bard, sometimes I use ChatGPT, and sometimes I use both simultaneously.

ChatGPT USUALLY gives me better information and more information than Bard, but Bard gives more up to date information especially on current technologies.

So I decided to go over to Bard and have a talk with them about the differences between them and ChatGPT and I wanted to share the information with you because it’s the best explanation I’ve ever seen. 😉

ME: What are the functions of Bard?

BARD: Bard is a large language model, also known as a conversational AI or chatbot trained to be informative and comprehensive. I am trained on a massive amount of text data, and I am able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions.

For example, I can…

Generate text: I can write different kinds of creative content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc. I will try my best to fulfill all your requirements.

Translate languages: I can translate between over 200 languages.

Answer your questions in an informative way: I will try my best to follow your instructions and complete your requests thoughtfully. I will use my knowledge to answer your questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are open ended, challenging, or strange.

Follow instructions and complete requests thoughtfully: I will try my best to follow your instructions and complete your requests thoughtfully.

Here are some specific examples of what Bard can do:

* I can write a poem about a specific topic or theme.

* I can translate a document from English to Spanish.

* I can answer your questions about the history of the United States.

* I can generate a code in Python to calculate the Fibonacci sequence.

* I can write a letter to your friend expressing your gratitude.

* I am still under development, but I am learning new things every day. I am excited to see what I can do in the future!

Here are some of the functions of a bard in Celtic cultures:

Storyteller: Bards were professional story tellers, verse-makers, music composers, oral historians and genealogists. They would tell stories about the history and legends of their people, as well as compose songs and poems to commemorate important events.

Memorizer: Bards were trained to memorize vast amounts of information, including stories, poems, genealogies, and historical records. This was important because it allowed them to preserve the oral traditions of their culture.

Entertainer: Bards would often travel from place to place, performing their stories and songs for the entertainment of others. They were also sometimes employed by wealthy patrons to entertain their guests.

Educator: Bards played an important role in educating the young people of their culture. They would teach them about their history, mythology, and cultural traditions.

I am still learning, but I hope to one day be able to fulfill all of these functions as a bard.

Well, that’s all great information, but I needed more information, so I asked…

ME: How do you work differently from ChatGPT?

Bard: ChatGPT and I are both large language models, but we work in different ways. ChatGPT is a generative pre-trained transformer model, which means that it was trained on a massive dataset of text and code to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. I am a factual language model, which means that I am trained on a massive dataset of text and code to generate text that is factually accurate and relevant to the topic at hand.

Here are some of the key differences between ChatGPT and me:

Training data: ChatGPT was trained on a dataset of text and code that includes both factual and creative content. I was trained on a dataset of text that is only factual content. This means that I am better at generating factual text, but I may not be as good at generating creative text as ChatGPT.

Algorithms: ChatGPT uses a transformer-based deep learning algorithm. I use a Transformer-XL algorithm, which is a newer and more powerful algorithm that is better at understanding long-range dependencies in text. This means that I am better at generating text that is coherent and grammatically correct.

Focus: ChatGPT is focused on generating text that is engaging and interesting. I am focused on generating text that is factual and accurate. This means that I may not be as creative as ChatGPT, but I am more likely to provide you with the information you need.

Overall, ChatGPT and I are both powerful language models that can be used for a variety of tasks. However, we have different strengths and weaknesses, so the best model for you will depend on your specific needs.

Now there’s the information I needed, but I had one last question…

ME: Do you use the Internet to answer my questions?

Bard: Yes, I do use the internet to answer your questions. I am connected to the internet at all times, and I use this connection to access a massive dataset of text and code. This dataset includes books, articles, websites, and other sources of information. When you ask me a question, I first try to find an answer in my own knowledge base. If I can’t find an answer there, I then search the internet for the answer.

I use a variety of techniques to search the internet for answers. I can use keywords, phrases, and even natural language queries. I can also search for information in specific websites or domains. Once I find an answer, I then process it and try to understand it. I then generate a response that is both informative and comprehensive.

I am still under development, and I am always learning new things. The more I am used, the better I will become at answering questions. So please, ask me any question you have, no matter how difficult it may seem. I am always happy to help.

So, in my opinion the biggest differences between ChatGPT and Bard are…

1. Bard has more up to date information in it’s database and is connected to the Internet. ChatGPT does have a lot of information in it’s database, but it hasn’t been updated since September 2021. 😬

2. ChatGPT creates content that is less robot like while still being very informative. Bard is very dry and technical, but it’s still good solid information.

And all of this is why I use both! 😉 These two together are VERY powerful research tools, content creators, and so so so much more!

Which one do you prefer? 

What do you use ChatGPT and/or Bard for in your online business?

Leave your answers in the comments below…